"Its not the things you do dear; It's the thing you leave undone, which gives you a bit of heartache at the setting of the sun..."”

— -Margaret Sangster


Sarah Davis was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and grew up in a fairly normal, safe, suburban life. 


At the age of 27, she found herself living what some would consider the “American Dream” life, married with 3 boys and working as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Room. Although her life may have looked picturesque on the outside, internally, she felt a void that nothing seemed to fill and sensed a restless discontent, compounded with too much religion and no real relationship with the Creator. 


One unforeseen night in September 2007, the course of her life was dramatically altered when she was the driver in a tragic DUI collision that caused the death of the other driver and critically injured the other passenger. 


From there, she was sentenced to 6 years incarceration and found herself living on the side of the razor wire that she never thought she would be. Through that experience, her world view and view of God were shattered and yet enlarged to the suffering that people who live on the margins are forced to endure. She began to see people the way that God does, in all of their beauty in spite of their messy humanity. She often says that the stories of those she lived with during those 6 years forever changed the way she views people and that there is a story and a whole lifetime of experiences behind every bad decision a person makes.


Through her own struggle with understanding religion versus relationship, one of the things she is most passionate about is dispelling the lies that keep people from drawing near to God. Today she is a writer and speaker, writing about her personal journey through grief, universal struggles and how everything matters. She and her husband, Patrick, pastor the Fringe Church in Hamilton, Ohio and own the Fringe Coffee House, which employs formerly incarcerated individuals. She also works as a chaplain inside of the prison in which she was formerly incarcerated. She is driven by the desire to extend the same grace that she received to every person she meets and to remind others that they are not forgotten by God. She is passionate about advocacy for those incarcerated and those on all of the margins of life, giving them a voice and striving to debunk societal stereotypes and fears.